
All tissues like skin,hair,bones,muscles,blood,.. are made up of protein.
a protein unit contain carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen and oxygen.

Food Protein FOODIKKO

Sources Of Protein

  • Milk and milk products
  • Egg
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Pulses

Functions Of  Protein

  1. Build and repair body tissues.
  2. Act as anti-bodies.
  3. Act as hormones
  4. Act ad enzymes.
  5. Provides fuel for body energy needs.
  6. Maintain acid-base balance.
  7.  Maintain volume and composition of body fluids.

Amino Acid

Proteins are synthesized from  a basic unit called amino acid. Chemically amino acids are compound of carbon atom to which is attached  a carboxyl group,amino group,a amino acid radical and a hydrogen atom.

Amino acids are classified into 2 groups.
  1. Essential amino acid : They can not be synthesized by our body. It should be separated by the diet. Examples; Lysine,Leucine,Valine,Methionine,..
  2. None essential amino acid : those are the body can synthesized. Examples; Alanine,Proline,Glycine,Serine,..

Peptide Bond

The proteins are formed by joining of  amino acid by peptide bonds.
  • Oligo peptide: Joining of 2-10 amino acid unit.
  • Poly peptide : Joining of 10-100 amino acid unit.
  • Protein : Joining of more than 100 amino acid unit.
Food Protein FOODIKKO

Classification Of Protein

  1. Simple Protein : Only gives amino acids on hydrolysis.
  2. Conjugated Protein : It contain amino acid and prosthetic group. Prosthetic group may be carbohydrates,metals,phosphates or lipids.