6 nutrients are very important to our body, they are
- Carbohydrates
- Proteins
- Fats
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Water
- Carbohydrates are the primary products of photosynthesis. They contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Cereals are the main sources of carbohydrate.
- All the tissues in our body like muscles,blood,hair,skin,bones.. are made up of proteins. A protein unit contain Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Foods like egg,milk,meat,fish and pulses are the main sources of protein.
- Fat is the compound which is insoluble in water but soluble in solvents like chloroform,benzene... Oil seeds,nuts,animal fat,milk... are the main sources of fat.
- Minerals are the inorganic compound of food, that leave ash as residue when burned. Ca,P,Mg,Fe,S,Mn,Zn,I,Cu are the example of minerals.
- Vitamins are the low molecular weight organic compound necessary in small amount in the diet of higher animals for normal growth,maintenance of health and reproduction.
- Water is vital for human existence. it is a caloric less compound of hydrogen and oxygen that found in every cells of the body.